Charles Lambdin

Clarity creates focus. Focus increases impact.

I will help you amplify achievement with improved goal setting and strategic awareness, generative discovery, and smarter planning.

Schedule a free chat, contact me, or keep exploring.

Blog: The Lateral Lens

The court jester was the original executive coach, being the court player with special permission to speak truth to power, using a lateral approach to probe assumptions and expose frames with humor and wit

Featured Articles

Influence Mapping

Getting Serious About Results

Starting With Value

How to Create a Strategy Table

Assumption-Based Planning

Frame Play

About Me

I’ve helped individuals, teams, and large organizations ask better questions, simplify and clarify their strategy, and adopt a more empirical, hypothesis-driven approach to work.

I draw on 15 years of experience in UX and usability and two decades of experience in behavioral science. I have worn many hats in my career, from a decade of work as a UX Researcher and Designer, a Sr. Internal Consultant, a Coach and Trainer, to more recent work in narrative strategy.

I have a PhD in Human Factors Engineering and a Master’s in Experimental Psychology. In academia I used to teach Advanced Research, Statistics, and Psychology. I have trained in Sandler, am certified in Decision Quality by Stanford, in Strategic Negotiation by Oblinger and Tsang, in metaphor work by Mark Andreas, and in nonverbal communication and facilitation by Michael Grinder and Associates.

Some more:


Design textbook (coauthored with Leo Frishberg)

UX Matters article (about using design provocations for innovation)

Podcast episode (me as a guest on The Inquisitor)

My most-cited article